Home | Create your Bouquet | Yellow Mixed Tiger Lily and Tulip Bouquet L34cm

Yellow Mixed Tiger Lily and Tulip Bouquet L34cm

Yellow Artificial Tulip and Tiger Lily Bouquet, Simply place several stems in a vase, or mix with other flowers to create a larger Arrangement, faux wreath or DIY Brides Wedding Bouquets. Overall Length 34cm (Vase Not Included) Bouquet is Wrapped in Kraft Paper Sleeve


Artificial Mixed Tiger Lily & Tulip Bouquet, a stunning combination of two beloved flowers that bring elegance and vibrancy to any setting. This exquisite artificial arrangement captures the essence of spring and summer, making it an ideal choice for brightening up interiors all year round.

Create a stunning centrepiece by placing the bunch in a decorative vase on a dining table or reception desk. Add a splash of colour to a neutral room by displaying the bunch on a mantelpiece or side table. Combine with other artificial greenery for a lush, full arrangement that enhances any space.

Approx Length 34cm

Vase Not Included


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How to order with Lily's Bespoke Bouquets

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    Choose a Bouquet

    Customise with flowers and colours to suit your wedding.

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    Place your order

    Choose from our range of payment and delivery options.

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    Confirm your order

    We'll send you a picture once your bouquet is ready.

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    Receive your bouquet

    Your flowers will be delivered safely in time for your big day.